Navigasjon gjort enkelt for Adriaterhavet.

Adriaterhavskart (kart) ruting, værdata og mer...

kart over Adriaterhavet
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Mens mange på land kan referere til disse kartene som "sjøkart", til sjøs
(hvor vi har flere navn for omtrent alt), kaller vi vanligvis disse "diagrammer"


Smart teknologi for å navigere i Adriaterhavet

savvy sjøkart

Adriaterhavskart - Kartdata

Our members get access to Savvy charts™ within the Adriatic region. Adriatic sea map (chart) data is sourced from hydrographic offices which are integrated into our Savvy, user-friendly interface.

navigasjonskart Adriaterhavet
informasjon om adriatisk tidevann

Tidevannsdata - Adriaterhavet

View Adriatic Sea tide data from over 8,000 tidal stations around the world. Easily view high and low tide with Savvy tidal graph and check tidal streams with our visual chart overlay.

marin GPS

Bruker GPS

In “GPS Mode” boaters can easily check Adriatic sea map information, their phone or tablets GPS location as well as their boat’s Course Over Ground and Speed Over Ground. Simply go into GPS Mode within the Savvy Navvy app to view the data.

Marine GPS-app
Visuelt vindkart Adriaterhavet
vindkart for båtliv


Weather in the Adriatic Sea can be erratic so it’s always a good idea to regularly check the variable forecast. In Savvy Navvy you can view the visual wind overlay and scroll through various days to see the changing effect of the wind direction and strength.

værmelding for seiling

Værmelding for Adriaterhavet

Ved å bruke værmeldingen vår kan du sette en nål hvor som helst på Adriaterhavskartet ditt for umiddelbart å se de forutsagte temperatur-, vind- og værforholdene for det stedet. Gå gjennom de neste dagene for å se de skiftende effektene av værmeldingen.

Værmelding for Adriaterhavet
East Coast USA-kart for båter
savvy navvy ruteplotting

Ruteplanlegging i Adriaterhavet

Whether you like to sail or motor you can quickly plot routes throughout the Adriatic using Savvy routing™. Drop a pin for your start location and a pin for your final destination and the algorithm will calculate the most efficient route. Savvy routing™ takes into account Adriatic sea map (charts) details, weather forecasts and your boat details (such as polars) to create a comprehensive passage plan for you and your crew.

verktøy for avgangsplanlegging

Beregn din ankomsttid

Planning your route with Savvy Navvy will give you an automatically predicted arrival time. Or if you like to do it in your head, just use our distance measurement tool to make a quick calculation.


Flere funksjoner i båtappen.


It’s no fun worrying about your fuel usage. That’s why we integrated predicted fuel usage into the Savvy Navvy app, this way our motorboat users can easily view the fuel requirement for their trip in the Adriatic to ensure they leave port with plenty to spare!

Planlegg avreisetid

Se med et øyeblikk den beste tiden å avreise basert på ruten din, vind- og tidevannsforhold, se demoen .

Autogenerer kursen din for å styre  

Plot a route with Savvy Navvy and get an automatic course to steer on your tablet or phone. Taking into account wind, tide and weather to get your exactly where you need to be.

Ankerplass og marinainformasjon for Adriaterhavet

Det finnes utallige fantastiske marinaer og ankerplasser i hele Adriaterhavet. Derfor har vi inngått et samarbeid med Navily, slik at våre medlemmer umiddelbart kan se viktig informasjon som drivstoffbrygger, fortøyninger, strandlinjer, vindbeskyttelse, butikker, detaljer om Adriaterhavets sjøkart, restauranter og mer ved å trykke på skjermen.

Satellittbilde og nattmodus

For those who want to take a closer look at those stunning Adriatic secluded bays, sandy white beaches and lively Havar marinas, satellite mode enables you to take a birds-eye view before choosing your next destination. You can also protect your night vision by toggling over to Savvy night mode for a darker evening interface.

Offline diagrammer og vær for Adriaterhavet

We get it, some of the best locations are where the WiFi is weak. So why not download your Adriatic sea map (chart) and weather information for use offline. That way you can use all the Savvy navigation features you love, without worrying about connectivity issues.

Export your Savvy routing™

Last ned passasjeplaner basert på Adriaterhavskart og værinformasjon for oss med båtkartplotteren din, trykk på " Eksporter rute " i appen for å laste ned en GPX-fil som deretter kan lastes opp til kartplotteren din.

Kundestøtte - Adriatic

We have a team dedicated to supporting our members across the globe. Feel free to contact us with your updates or questions via the chatbot in the app or email us at

Adriaterhavet Sjøkart

We provide access to all Savvy charts™ across the glove for every single one of our members. We don’t believe in restricting you by location, so wherever we have coverage, so do you.

Adriaterhavsnavigasjon gjort enkelt.
Klar til å komme i gang?

The Savvy Navvy boating app is available on Android or iOS with a 14-day free trial.

iOS og iPadOS.

nedlasting savvy navvy på din iPhone eller iPad i dag og begynn å planlegge ditt neste seil.

Last ned savvy navvy fra iOS-enheter


nedlasting savvy navvy til Android-telefonen eller -nettbrettet, og forsterk navigasjonen.

Last ned savvy navvy for Android