We’ve tried to make this page as easy to get through as possible, using plain language rather than formal legal words. We suspect you are like us and don’t like reading the small print. It is important however for us to tell you clearly what data we record, which is essential for Savvy Navvy to work properly, and which you can ask us not to use.
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, and it was designed with your privacy and security in mind. It ensures you can always know what is recorded about you, grants control over what is and isn’t recorded and allows you access to that data or to request it to be deleted, should you choose to do so. You are free to ask us about any data we hold on file for you, as well as to ask us to completely remove the records we hold about you. In short, we are 100% GDPR compliant, so feel free to drop us a line at ahoy@savvy-navvy.com if you have any questions.
We operate our service via two internet domains.
The first domain is the website (www.savvy-navvy.com), and the second is the Savvy Navvy app, which is available as a web app (app.savvy- navvy.com) running in your browser, and also from the Apple app store and Google Play, for devices running iOS and Android.
For hver av disse er det forskjellige databiter vi trenger å lagre. Disse er skissert nedenfor.
Vi starter med nettstedet fordi det er det enkleste. Vi tildeler en anonym identifikator for analytiske formål, i tilfelle noe dårlig skjer. Vi samler inn anonyme feilrapporter, og vi bruker informasjonskapsler for annonsering for markedsføringsformål.
Som de fleste nettsteder i dag, registrerer vi (anonymt) noen av handlingene du utfører på nettstedet. For eksempel hvilke sider du besøker, hvor lenge du blir på en bestemt side, eller om du går raskt (som indikerer at siden kanskje ikke har informasjonen du lette etter). Dette lar oss forstå hvordan du, og folk som deg, surfer på nettsiden vår. Den kan fortelle oss om visse sider ikke er tydelige for deg, slik at vi kan forbedre dem.
Vi vil at du skal vite at dataene vi lagrer for dette formålet er fullstendig anonymisert. Verken vi, eller noen andre, kan identifisere deg som en spesifikk bruker fra disse analytiske dataene.
Although we’ve worked extremely hard to make sure you never have any errors when you use Savvy Navvy, things don’t always go according to plan. If you encounter a problem, we record what went wrong, and any actions you might have taken leading up to that error. This allows our engineers to follow in your footsteps to attempt to reproduce the error so they can fix it.
We do not record any personally identifiable information for this. It is merely a breadcrumb trail of steps taken; not who you are. If we can reproduce the problem, we stand a better chance of fixing the root cause, and making Savvy Navvy a better product.
Dette gjør vi både på nettsiden og i appen, noe som virkelig hjelper mye for å gjøre produktene våre bedre.
Hvis du helst ikke vil dele feilrapporter med oss, kan du slå av dette i kontoinnstillingene i appen.
Det burde ikke komme som noen overraskelse at vi er avhengige av digital markedsføring for å få historien vår om bedre navigasjon ut i verden. Vi mistenker at du har mange seil- eller båtvenner (hvem andre ville høre på at vi fortsetter med båtliv eller seiling hele tiden?!), og det er akkurat denne likesinnede hos folk som gjør digital markedsføring effektiv.
By using advertising cookies, we can advertise to people with similar interests to you; who love sailing and boating and want to enjoy their time on board. This makes the search for new sailors and boaters more efficient, so we can grow our Savvy Navvy community.
Hvis du foretrekker at vi ikke bruker disse informasjonskapslene, kan du slå dem av i kontoinnstillingene i appen.
Here is the data we record, some essential for Savvy Navvy to work properly, and the rest optional, which you can ask us not to use.
Bortsett fra disse viktige dataene, er de eneste andre tingene vi registrerer:
Årsakene til å gjøre dette er de samme som for nettstedet: å forbedre produktet vårt for deg og våre andre kunder. Hvis du heller ikke vil at vi skal registrere disse dataene, kan du slå dem av under Kontoinnstillinger i appen.
A quick note about the GPS location point on the chart. If you use the GPS locator button or any Savvy Navvy location-based service, such as our anchor alarm, then we need to ask the browser or your mobile device for permission to get your current location, by allowing Savvy Navvy access to location services. Your current location is not stored, unless you choose to save a route or track while you are actually at the location.
We do not receive or store your credit card details. We operate through three payment processor companies - Stripe for our web app, and Apple and Google for app store sales. These payment processors will receive personal data including, but not limited to, your email, card details and IP address, which they will handle in accordance with the privacy policy which they follow in your country. They inform us of charges and refunds which they process for you relating to Savvy Navvy. If you request your personal identifiable information to be deleted, we will retain only data related to your transactions, in accordance with financial record-keeping rules.
Systemet vårt kjører på Amazon Web Services, og kontoopplysningene dine er trygt lagret i deres datasentre. Det er også her vi lagrer de geografiske områdene der du surfer eller bruker våre kart, og eventuelle ruter du velger å lagre.
Our customer support system uses Crisp. This is where all our communications with you are securely stored.
We also partner with other marine data providers, such as marina booking and review sites, from time to time in different locations. If you add social information such as comments, reviews or discussions to Savvy Navvy or our partner systems, it will be processed in accordance with the privacy terms and may be visible to the public. If you ask us to completely remove your Savvy Navvy account, we will permanently delete all of these communications, including any in-app chat conversations we may have had with you.
Betalingsinformasjon holdes av hver betalingsbehandler som nevnt i avsnittet ovenfor.
If, and only if, you allow us to, we use a combination of Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Facebook, branch.io, Trello and RevenueCat to monitor and analyse technical and sales performance. For the error reports, we use Sentry.io.
Våre partnere vedlikeholder servere på forskjellige internasjonale lokasjoner. Dine opplysninger kan derfor bli behandlet utenfor landet der du bor. Selv om databeskyttelseslover varierer mellom land, vil dataene dine bli behandlet av partnerne våre i samsvar med deres respektive personvernregler, og vi velger partnere som følger de siste amerikanske, britiske og EU-reglene. Personvernlover som regulerer dataoverføring mellom land er i stadig utvikling, så du kan oppleve at vi oppdaterer denne delen fra tid til annen.
At Savvy Navvy, we want our customers to be happy that we are looking after their privacy. If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop us a line at ahoy@savvy-navvy.com.
Last updated: 23rd January 2024