In an effort to foster a love for sailing among the youth, Savvy Navvy was delighted to sponsor the much-awaited Parkstone Yacht Club Youth Week which took place from the 29th July until 4th August in Poole, UK.

The Club is notoriously home to some of the UK’s most reputable sailors including Ocean Race IMOCA racer Annie Lush, Vendee Globe competitor Pip Hare and Olympic gold medallists Stuart Bithell and Hannah Mills. So it goes without saying this Club is the perfect platform to inspire the next generation of boaters, a goal that is close to the hearts of the team here at Savvy Navvy.
Parkstone Yacht Club Youth Week har befestet sitt rykte som det mest omfattende seilingsarrangementet for ungdom i Europa, og tiltrekker seg unge seilere med ulike bakgrunner og ferdighetsnivåer. Denne årlige feiringen blir deltatt av folk fra hele Europa og er en populær begivenhet innen seiling sammen med alternative ikke-racingaktiviteter designet for at hele familien kan nyte seiling og vannsport.
“We are pleased to be sponsoring PYC Youth Week in support of its dedication to encouraging the next generation of sailors. By providing our innovative boating app to participants we hope to provide young boaters with experience of using electronic navigation apps as well as instilling confidence and competence in young sailors as they navigate the open waters.” - Savvy Navvy Founder and CEO, Jelte Liebrand says.

Savvy Navvy’s involvement with the event didn’t stop at simply sponsoring the event as Savvy Founder Jelte found himself racing alongside his son Max as part of the Child and Parent Class of the sailing competition, with Max placing 5th overall in the Blue Fleet.
«Pakstone Youth Week er en av de største ungdomsseil- og aktivitetsukene med rundt 300 unge seilere i alderen 6-18 år som deltar hver dag. Arrangementet har pågått i over 25 år og er gjort mulig med støtte fra over 940 voksne frivillige roller. Med spill, BBQs som mater over 600 mennesker og motiverende foredragsholdere som Pip Hare, Jennifer Cullom, Ellie Aldridge, Hannah Mills, Annie Lush og Stu Bithell; en begivenhet som trekker seilere tilbake hvert år fra så langt unna som Guernsey, Cornwall, London og Midlands.
Making the event accessible to families has been made possible by the amazing support of companies like Savvy Navvy, helping young people to engage with a sport and develop a lifetime love of sailing and watersports,” says Christopher Chappell, PYC Youth Week Organiser.
For å finne ut mer om PYC Youth Week besøk klubbens nettside eller last ned den nye neste generasjons båt-gps-appen i forkant av arrangementet her.