Savvy Navvy seagrass

Globalt prosjekt lansert for å legge til rette for bevaring av sjøgress i seilmiljøet

An exciting new campaign between Not-for-profit, Clean Sailors, the Ocean Conservation Trust and all-in-one navigation app, Savvy Navvy, supports sailors to combat climate change by digitally mapping sensitive seabeds and eco-moorings across boating hotspots around the world. 

Målet med den nye globale kampanjen "#protectourbeds" er å bidra til å hindre at viktig sjøgress blir ødelagt. Det handler om å gjøre vannbrukere mer oppmerksomme på hvor det finnes sårbare havbunner og oppmuntre dem til å minimere forstyrrelser, særlig ved å ankre opp. 

Sjøgress bekjemper klimaendringene ved å absorbere og lagre enorme mengder karbon, men er anslått å være det habitatet på planeten som forsvinner raskest, hovedsakelig på grunn av menneskelig aktivitet som kan unngås. Kampanjen startet i Storbritannia, men leter nå etter datapartnere over hele Europa og USA for neste milepæl i prosjektet.

“The #protectourbeds campaign is collating geo-spatial data on sensitive seabeds and showing the information in the Savvy Navvy navigation app - providing sailors and water-users with a clear view of where seagrass beds are and alternatives to anchoring.

By mapping and sharing sensitive seabed locations with digital navigators, and the location of alternatives - eco-moorings - we can educate, inspire and encourage our sailing community to make more informed anchoring choices when out on the water. Making this data visible to those of us who can mitigate our impact when boating, across the world, is incredibly exciting and just makes so much sense to seagrass conservation efforts globally,” says Holly Manvell, founder of Clean Sailors. 

Ålegrasenger lagrer 10 % av karbonet i havet og er viktige aktører i kampen mot klimaendringene. De kan være opptil 35 ganger mer effektive til å absorbere karbon enn regnskog i samme område, og gir også et habitat for sjeldne og truede arter. Til tross for hvor viktig sjøgresset er, har vi bare i Storbritannia mistet nesten halvparten av sjøgressengene våre siden 1930-tallet, hovedsakelig på grunn av menneskelig aktivitet som kunne vært unngått.

“The Ocean Conservation Trust has been working with the boating community to conserve nature for the past decade, so we are delighted to be the scientific adviser in this project. The addition of sensitive habitat information on Savvy Navvy navigational charts is the first time the boating community can easily understand what lies beneath the keel. Seagrass habitats are biodiversity hotspots and in decline from multiple pressures, so providing this information to the conscientious boater is a significant step forward in the recovery of this vital Ocean habitat,” said Mark Parry, Head of Ocean Habitat Restoration at the Ocean Conservation Trust.

Savvy Navvy users are from today able to see the location of existing seabeds and eco-moorings around the South West of the UK in the all-in-one navigation app. The project will build UK-wide sensitive seabed data and then focus on European waters and beyond through the course of 2023-24. 

“We are so excited to work with Clean Sailors and the Ocean Conservation Trust, and be one of the only navigation apps on the market helping to build environmental awareness of carbon footprint through showcasing vital seagrass data. While Savvy Navvy is all about simplifying boating technology by making navigation safe and easy for everyone, innovative campaigns helping boaters to make better choices when out on the water is something we feel very strongly about. This year we are looking to build one of the most insight-rich platforms on boating behaviour, helping marine businesses across the globe and the #protectourbeds campaign is a great way to kickstart this,” says David Cusworth, Head of Innovation and Partnerships at Savvy Navvy.

Kampanjen #protectourbeds leter etter datapartnere over hele Europa og USA til neste milepæl i prosjektet. Alle forespørsler og søknader kan rettes til Clean Sailors via

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