Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Sunrise Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Distance - 153.1 Nm

Gjennomsnittlig hastighet
5 km/t
10 km/t
20 km/t
30 km/t
1 day, 6 hours, 37 minutes
15 hours, 19 minutes
7 hours, 39 minutes
5 hours, 6 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Sunrise Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina


Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Tim Westphal, General Manager

End Location
Sunrise Marina

505 Glen Cheek Drive
Cape Canaveral

Contact details for Sunrise Marina

+1 (321) 783-9535
Robin Roark

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Sunrise Marina

Embarking on a journey from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Sunrise Marina presents a navigational adventure that sails through the heart of Florida’s picturesque coastline. This route, ideal for the seasoned Yacht Master and enthusiastic recreational boaters alike, offers a blend of serene passages and vibrant coastal communities, punctuated with essential navigation aids and scenic stopovers.

Pilotage Plan

Start: Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Destination: Sunrise Marina

Distance: The distance of this voyage is relatively modest, making it an excellent choice for a day trip or a leisurely weekend cruise, depending on stops and detours.

  1. Departure: After ensuring all safety checks are completed, depart Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina, paying heed to local marina traffic and adhering to the marina's rules for exit.
  2. Navigation Aids and Hazards: The initial part of the journey involves navigating through the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). Keep a vigilant eye on navigation aids like buoys and markers. The ICW is well-marked, but attention is required to avoid shallow areas, especially near inlets or where the channel narrows.
  3. Passing Through Ft. Lauderdale: As you progress north, you'll pass by Ft. Lauderdale, renowned for its beautiful waterways and bustling waterfront. It’s important to be mindful of the increased boat traffic here, especially on weekends. The area around Port Everglades is particularly busy and requires careful navigation due to both recreational and commercial traffic. Pay attention to the posted speed limits and wake zones to ensure safety and compliance with local regulations.
  4. Points of Shelter and Interest:
  • Dania Beach: Just before reaching Ft. Lauderdale, consider a detour to Dania Beach for shelter or relaxation. This area offers calm waters and is a good option for anchoring if you need to wait out bad weather.
  • Lake Santa Barbara: North of Ft. Lauderdale, Lake Santa Barbara presents a tranquil anchorage for those seeking a respite from the ICW. It's not only a safe haven during adverse conditions but also a wonderful spot for onboard dining with a view.
  1. Navigating to Sunrise Marina: Continue north on the ICW, observing all navigational aids and respecting local boating laws. As you near your destination, be prepared for a slight increase in boat traffic and ensure that your approach to Sunrise Marina is planned during daylight hours to simplify navigation.
  2. Arrival: Upon reaching Sunrise Marina, follow the marina’s guidelines for docking and be sure to communicate with the dockmaster for any specific requirements.

Noteworthy Considerations:

  • Always keep an up-to-date weather forecast and be prepared for rapid changes in conditions. The Florida coast can experience sudden storms, especially during hurricane season.
  • Be aware of drawbridge schedules along the ICW and plan your trip accordingly to avoid delays.
  • The route is particularly suitable for boaters interested in experiencing the vibrant coastal culture of Florida while enjoying the serene beauty of its waterways.

This journey from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Sunrise Marina is the perfect blend of adventure, navigation experience, and scenic beauty, suitable for boaters looking to sharpen their pilotage skills while enjoying the coastal splendors of Florida. With safety as a priority, this route also promises memorable stops and panoramic views, making it an exceptional choice for those captivated by the allure of the sea.

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