Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 6.8 Nm

Gjennomsnittlig hastighet
5 km/t
10 km/t
20 km/t
30 km/t
1 hour, 22 minutes
41 minutes
20 minutes
14 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Havn Residences and Yacht Club with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, Office Number, monitored from 8am-5pm
+1 (561) 646-0861, Emergency Contact
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

End Location
Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Palm Beach Shores

Contact details for Havn Residences and Yacht Club

+1 (561) 848-7469
Tom Price, General Manager

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Pilotage Plan: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Preparation and Departure from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Before departure, it's paramount to check the latest weather forecasts and tidal schedules, ensuring conditions align with a safe journey. Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens is a well-equipped starting point, providing an excellent opportunity to ensure your vessel is ready for the voyage. Ensure that your onboard safety equipment is in order, including life jackets, flares, a first-aid kit, and that your communication devices are fully functional.

Notable Points of Interest and Landmarks:

  • Juno Beach Pier: Not long after departure, you'll cruise past the Juno Beach Pier, offering a beautiful vista and a noteworthy landmark for your initial navigation. It's a great reference point for checking your progress.
  • Peanut Island: Known for its snorkeling spots and the Peanut Island Park, which features a bunker built for President Kennedy during the Cold War. This island offers a convenient shelter in case of sudden weather changes, with anchorages and docking spots.
  • Port of Palm Beach: As you navigate past Peanut Island, you'll encounter views of the bustling Port of Palm Beach. Keep a keen eye here as the traffic increases, including both recreational and commercial vessels.

Hazards and Navigation Considerations:

  • Boat Traffic near Marinas and Ports: Increased traffic demands vigilant navigation, especially near the marinas and the Port of Palm Beach. Adhere to the designated speed limits and keep a safe distance from large vessels that have limited maneuverability.
  • Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) Navigation: The journey will largely follow the ICW, which is well-marked but can be narrow in places. Pay attention to the channel markers, keeping the red buoys to your starboard (right) when heading north and green buoys to port (left).
  • Shallow Waters: Be mindful of shallow areas, particularly around sandbars near inlets. Consult the latest nautical charts for depths and keep an eye on your depth finder.
  • Bridge Crossings: Several drawbridges span the ICW route, necessitating knowledge of their operation schedules. Plan your approach to coincide with opening times to avoid unnecessary delays.

Local Restrictions and Regulations:

  • Speed Limits: Throughout the ICW, speed limits vary and are strictly enforced to protect marine life and ensure safety. Be aware of no-wake zones, especially in proximity to marinas and populated areas.
  • Fishing Areas: Certain sections along the route are popular among anglers. Give these areas a wide berth to avoid disturbing fishing lines and potentially endangering wildlife.

Arrival at Havn Residences and Yacht Club:

Upon arrival at Havn Residences and Yacht Club, follow the designated approach patterns and communicate with the harbor master for docking instructions. The marina offers state-of-the-art facilities and a welcoming atmosphere for visiting boaters.


This voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Havn Residences and Yacht Club is particularly suited for boaters who appreciate scenic beauty, navigational challenges, and the pristine conditions of well-managed waterways. Safety and respect for marine regulations are paramount, ensuring a memorable journey through some of the most beautiful waters and interesting sites along the Florida coast. With proper planning and awareness, this trip can be a captivating experience, blending relaxation with the thrill of navigation.

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