Erfaren ruting, avgangsplanlegging, kart, vær, vind, GPS, satellittmodus og mer...
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Jeg bruker Savvy Navvy daglig for alt kystfiske her i Sør-Texas. Flott for strømforhold, inkludert tidevann og vindretning. Det er som Google maps for båtfolk. Planlegg ruter, merk fiskeplassene dine og kom tilbake til kaien i ett stykke. Hver gang! Flott app 5 stjerner.
For 2 uker siden under hetebølgen var vi på Solent og temperaturen stekte alle instrumentene våre, inkludert GPS-plotteren. Gudskjelov at vi hadde Savvy Navvy, da det fungerte perfekt hele helgen og tillot oss å gjøre alt vi ønsket. Folk sier at denne typen apper ikke er ment å erstatte instrumentene om bord, vel jeg kan bekrefte at når de instrumentene om bord alle mislykkes, dette var en absolutt livredder. Gleder meg til å teste den i andre land.
Jeg seiler med venner og familier, og denne appen er en fin måte å illustrere "pappas" kjedelige kartarbeid gjennom en mye mer tenåringsvennlig plattform. Jeg bruker begge for kryssreferanse og synes det er ganske nøyaktig. Med tanke på prisen på diagrammer er det ekstremt god verdi.
Whether you call them charts or a sea map we don’t mind! Either way, our designers have built Savvy Charts™ to show you essential marine information that’s easy to understand, without the clutter. View our chart coverage.
Passage planning is time-consuming but with Savvy Navvy you can plot a route to sail in seconds on any device, a great cross-check for traditional navigation. Tap the screen to drop a pin at your start and finish locations and the app will calculate the best route to sail, taking into account essential marine information and your boat settings.
No one likes to be late but when it comes to sailing it can be tricky to be accurate when it comes to your arrival. With Savvy Navvy we do all the work for you. Plot a route to get an automatically predicted ETA based on wind, weather, tide and chart data. Click to share the route with your friends and family so they know you’re safe.
Å forstå hva tidevannet gjør er avgjørende for seilere. Det er derfor vi leverer tidevannsdata fra tusenvis av tidevannsstasjoner rundt om i verden, i tillegg kan seilere bruke tidevannsgrafen vår for enkelt å se tidevannshøyder og -nedganger i løpet av dagen. Det har aldri vært så gøy å sjekke tidevannet!
Sometimes in home waters that you know well you just want to go sailing without plotting a route, we get it. That’s why Savvy Navvy has a “GPS view” which enables you to check your COG and SOG and easily calculate distances to key landmarks around you with ease.
Instead of using a dedicated marine weather app, you can now check the predicted wind direction and strength in the Savvy Navvy app. By using the slider you can easily view the changing wind pattern throughout the day. Read more Savvy weather models
You may be used to using a dedicated marine weather app but with Savvy Navvy you can check the weather forecast for your location by dropping a pin on the chart to instantly view the weather forecast, wind speed and direction for that area. Use the toggle to see the changing effects of the weather over the next few days.
Adjust your engine and cruising speed settings to enable Savvy Navvy to calculate your estimated fuel consumption. Never worry about running out of fuel again.
Med en rask titt kan du se det beste avreisetidspunktet basert på ruten din, vind og tidevannsforhold, se demoen .
Get an automatic CTS and preview your route when planning a sailing trip with Savvy routing™. Our routing algorithm uses wind, weather and tide data to give you a proper passage plan with Course to Steer information.
Trenger du å vite minimumsdybden til en marina? Leter du etter fortøyninger eller vannpåfyllingsstasjoner? Kanskje du trenger å kjenne grepet for å slippe anker? Finn ut alt du trenger å vite for det perfekte stoppestedet med vår Navily og Dockwa marina og ankringsinformasjon, tilgjengelig for alle medlemmer.
Used to using Google Maps to inspect key locations for your sailing trip? Now you can do it in the Savvy navvy app! Just switch from Map to Satellite mode to take a closer look! We also have a night mode too.
Planning to sail out of range of signal? Download Savvy charts™ and weather when sailing offshore so you can keep using all the app features whilst you’re away.
Du kan bruke din savvy passasjeplan ved å eksportere ruten til en GPX-fil som deretter kan lastes opp til båtkartplotteren.
Savvy Navvy is run by sailors for sailors. Think of us as your silent first mate, if you need us we’re here to help! Contact our team via the chatbot in the app or email us at
The Savvy Navvy boating app is available on Android or iOS with a 14-day free trial.