Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove

Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Distance - 61.3 Nm

Gjennomsnittlig hastighet
5 km/t
10 km/t
20 km/t
30 km/t
12 hours, 16 minutes
6 hours, 8 minutes
3 hours, 4 minutes
2 hours, 3 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina


Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Tim Westphal, General Manager

End Location
Hell Gate Cove

Jupiter Sound

Contact details for Hell Gate Cove

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove

Pilotage Plan: From Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove

Embarking on a voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove offers an intriguing blend of navigational challenges and scenic beauty, suitable for the seasoned Yacht Master who appreciates precision in navigation meshed with the allure of exploration. This journey encompasses not just open-water cruising but also the opportunity to engage with coastal landmarks, making it an ideal route for boaters with a love for both adventure and safety.

Starting Point: Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina is a well-equipped starting point for this journey, offering comprehensive services for all boating needs. Before departure, ensure that your vessel is adequately prepared for the trip, taking advantage of the marina's facilities for any last-minute provisions or checks.

Pre-departure Checklist:

  • Safety Gear: Confirm that all safety equipment is onboard and in working order.
  • Weather Forecast: Check the local weather forecast and plan for any contingencies.
  • Marine Traffic: Review any notices regarding marine traffic or activities that might affect your departure.

Route Overview

First Leg: Loggerhead Marina to Government Cut

Exit the marina, carefully navigating through the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), keeping an eye out for other vessels. As you approach Government Cut, notable for its role as the primary shipping channel in Miami, maintain a vigilant watch for commercial traffic. Utilize the PortMiami's aids to navigation, and adhere to the established regulations for recreational vessels in this bustling area.

Points of Interest: The scenic views of Miami Beach and the city skyline offer a breathtaking backdrop as you transition from the protected waters of the ICW to the open Atlantic.

Second Leg: Government Cut to Hell Gate Cove

Upon exiting Government Cut, set your course northwards towards Hell Gate Cove. This segment of the journey requires open water navigation, emphasizing the importance of accurate weather forecasting and sea state assessment.

Notable Navigational Hazards:

  • Coral Reefs: Between Government Cut and Hell Gate Cove, be mindful of the coral reefs that present a hazard to uninformed navigators. Adhere to marked channels and rely on your charts and GPS to avoid these fragile ecosystems.
  • Ship Traffic: The vicinity to one of the busiest ports requires attentiveness to commercial traffic, keeping a safe distance and maintaining constant situational awareness.

Points of Interest:

  • Stops Along the Way:
  • Biscayne Bay: Offers sheltered waters perfect for anchoring and enjoying water sports, with a backdrop of Miami's skyline.
  • Oleta River State Park: Accessible by boat, this natural oasis in North Miami offers opportunities for kayaking, fishing, and picnicking.

Hell Gate Cove Arrival

Hell Gate Cove, known for its serene environment, is nestled away from the bustling coastal activities, making it a perfect endpoint for those seeking tranquility after a journey filled with rich experiences. The cove's secluded nature requires precise navigation, especially considering the tidal movements that can affect depth conditions.

Safety and Regulations

  • Tides and Currents: Before entering Hell Gate Cove, consult current tide charts and plan your entry and exit around favorable tides to avoid grounding.
  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local boating regulations, including speed limits and anchorage rules within Hell Gate Cove to ensure a respectful and safe visit.


Navigating from Loggerhead Marina - Hollywood Marina to Hell Gate Cove is a journey that combines the thrill of open-sea navigation with the beauty of Florida's coastal vistas. It's an excellent route for boaters who are confident in their navigation skills and relish the idea of exploring both bustling marine gateways and tranquil coves. Emphasizing safety, preparedness, and respect for marine habitats and regulations ensures not only a fulfilling journey but also the preservation of these waters for future adventurers.

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